The Hansen Stories project and exhibition, as well as the Núcleo Museológico do Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais (NMHCRP) and the stories of this therapeutic village were highlighted in the regional and national press.
All the news on the facebook page.
The Museological Center celebrated its 2nd Anniversary and answers the value of the cultural heritage of Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais in Newsletter no. 13.

In June 2023, at the invitation of the Sasakawa Health Foundation, the Museum was represented at the Bergen International Conference, organized in Bergen in partnership with the University of Bergen.
In March 2023, we reopened the Scientific Library with the presence of Professor Takahiro Takahiro Nanri, executive director of the Sasakawa Health Foundation.

At the initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Union, the 5th edition of the Call for #EuropeanHeritageDays Stories brought new stories from all over Europe!
The Colónia Rovisco Pais Hospital Museum was one of the selected stories now published as it is an inspiring experience that celebrates different aspects of local heritage and is linked to shared European values.

The new article on Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais resulting from the communication made at the 1st International Seminar on the History of Health at the University of Minho in 2022 is now available. It can be accessed online.

At the invitation of the Sasakawa Health Foundation, the Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais Museum participated in the 21st International Leprosy Congress, which took place in India in November 2022.

The Museum was featured in Visão Saúde magazine.

One year after the inauguration of the HCRP Museum, the Rehabilitation Medicine Center of the Centro Region – Rovisco Pais marks the 75th anniversary of the inauguration of Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais with a formal session and the publication of the book “História e Memórias do Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais ”.

The 2022 World Day to Combat Leprosy was marked with reports from Notícias Magazine and the newspaper Boa Nova.

The inauguration of the Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais Museum was news in several media.

The Museum of Hospital Colónia Rovisco Pais (NMHCRP) joins the global appeal “Dont Forget Leprosy!”, an initiative by the Sasakawa Health Foundation that aims to raise awareness of the world so that leprosy treatment is not interrupted or forgotten due to the context of the pandemic COVID-19, with the initiative “Rovisco Pais Museum appeal: don’t forget leprosy”.
In this context, in Portugal, the CMRRC-RP, through the NMHCRP, appeals to creativity with the opening of a Video Contest to be disseminated worldwide in this campaign. The winning video will be widely disseminated on social media and institutional websites on the occasion of Hansen’s World Day of the Sick, to be celebrated on January 30, 2022.
The contest will run from January 10 to 20, 2022.
The winning video will be published on Facebook, Youtube and institutional websites between January 30 and February 15, 2022.
To participate in this contest, the following dates must be taken into account:
1. Registration: until January 15, 2022
2. Delivery of the competing video: until 23:00 on January 20, 2022.
3. Selection of competing videos: until January 25, 2022.
For more information contact: |
The students of the Escola Profissional de Campanhã won the contest with this video